Overview of employment law
Overview of some important topics in employment law.
Rights and obligations, salary, continued payment of salary, holidays, ref-erence letter, non-competition clause, termination agreement
Overview of some important topics in employment law.
During the probationary period special rules apply regarding termination period, salary continuation and the termination locking periods
Unless otherwise agreed or prescribed, termination can be effected by WhatsApp or SMS.
A termination is wrongful if pronounced for specific reasons.
The terminated party can request a statement of the reasons for the termination
A termination is inopportune when pronounced during illness and other cases.
Employment agreements can be terminated by mutual consent.
Workplace bullying is highly distressing for those affected and can lead to health problems.
Home Office from abroad – Permissibility and limits of cross-border home office activities
The rules on maximum working hours do not apply to higher executive employees etc.
The post-contractual non-competition clause prohibits the employee from competing with the employer.