Probationary Period
During the probationary period special rules apply regarding termination period, salary continuation…
Termination by text message
Unless otherwise agreed or prescribed, termination can be effected by WhatsApp or…
Wrongful termination of employment
A termination is wrongful if pronounced for specific reasons.
Statement of Reasons for termination
The terminated party can request a statement of the reasons for the…
Inopportune termination
A termination is inopportune when pronounced during illness and other cases.
Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying is highly distressing for those affected and can lead to…
Telecommuting Abroad
Home Office from abroad – Permissibility and limits of cross-border home office…
Higher executive employees
The rules on maximum working hours do not apply to higher executive…
The post-contractual non-competition clause prohibits the employee from competing with the employer.
Overview public personnel law
Overview of the public personnel law of the Confederation and of Canton…
Debt Enforcement Proceedings
Information on types of enforcement proceedings, objection to enforcement
Setting aside an objection
Information on provisional and definitive setting aside of objection against a payment…
Action for release from debt
Action of the debtor to be released from the debt after losing…
Enforcement by Action
Action of the creditor in an ordinary procedure to assert his claim…
Revision of Corporate Law per 01.01.2023
The revision of corporate law as of 01.01.2023 applies to listed as…
New Swiss Data Protection Law
The new data protection law of Switzerland came into effect on 01.09.2023.
Identification of required Measures
Identification of required Data Protection Measures
Implementation of Data Protection Measures
implement identified data protection measures
Organisational Data Protection Measures
Organisational data protection measures to ensure compliance with the data protection act
Data protection Documentation Obligations
The revised data protection law prescribes documentation obligations for companies.
Data Protection Register of Processing Activities
The revised data protection law requires data controllers and data processors to…
Data protection representation in Switzerland
A duty to appoint a data protection representative in Switzerland does not…
Rights and obligations of tenants and landlords
Rights and obligations of tenants and landlords
Changes of rent
The rent can be modified unilaterally under certain conditions or follows an…
Erhöhung des Referenzzinssatzes per 02.12.2023
The reference interest rate has been increased from 1. 5% to 1.75%…
Increase of reference interest rate per 02.06.2023
Increase of reference interest rate per 02.06.2023 – Increase of rent as…
Yield – Excessive return
If the landlord achieves an excessive return the rent is considered unfair
Additional services of the Landlord – Value-enhancing Investment
If the landlord provides additional services the rent may be adjusted.
Defects of the rental object
If the rental object has defects, the tenant can request i.a. that…
Change of ownership
The new owner may terminate the rental agreement under certain conditions
Eviction of tenants
When tenants do not vacate the property volutarily at the end of…
Early return – Providing a successor
Tenants may return the rented object early. If they provide a reasonable,…
Delivery and reception in tenancy law
The delivery and reception of notices (termination, threat of termination etc.) triggers…
Employment contract
Employment contracts regulate the rights and obligations for both employees and employers
Rental agreement
The landlords provides the rental property and maintains it and the tenant…
General terms and conditions (GTC) simplify contracts and processes and create security.
Simple Mandate
The commissioned party acts on behalf of the commissioning party (lawyers, doctors,…
Work Contract
The contractor produces a work for the client, and the client agrees…